Dan Rather, formerly of the CBS Evening News, wants President Obama to set up a White House commission to help save the national press. You've got to be kidding me. -
“A truly free and independent press is the red beating heart of democracy and freedom. This is not something just for journalists to be concerned about, and the loss of jobs and the loss of newspapers, and the diminution of the American press’ traditional role of being the watchdog on power. This is something every citizen should be concerned about.” - Dan Rather
Dan, did it ever occur to you that the national press has committed suicide? Do you think anyone noticed the orgy for Obama prior to the 2008 election or the perpetual love-fest that has since followed? Everyone knows that the MSM (mainstream media) has become a propaganda arm of the Obama Administration. They refused to give the people any substantive material to develop an objective opinion as they showered an untested and unchallenged candidate with all the praises of Jesus Christ himself. Remember when Chris Matthews almost messed his pants? -
The whole lead up to the election was a travesty. No objective reporting what-so-ever. Why does Dan Rather think the American people would want the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to play a role in the the national media? That's simply ridiculous. It's like something straight from an Orwell novel. Has anyone read 1984? The Ministry of Truth IS the national press controlled by the federal government. It's a national system of disinformation and propaganda. Dan, are you retarded? -
The role of the national press should be to watch the watchers. Since they are no longer willing or able to perform their duties...let them crash and burn, just the same as any other unproductive industry. They continually provide us a disservice by spoon-feeding us whatever they deem relevant, rather than just reporting the facts. Dan, maybe you missed the Michael Jackson coverage, which was on a continuous loop for a week, while Cap and Trade passed in the House. The American people are hungry for real investigative journalism. If the major news outlets cannot, or will not, provide that...then they have failed and should be left to die. Do you really wonder why no one reads the paper or watches the evening news? I don't. I know why. It's not news...it's subjective opinion after subjective opinion. Wake up already. Read a few books and think for yourself. The MSM is dead and I'm glad. Maybe in 2012 we won't have to put up with shit like this. -
Unless you have worked in the journalism field, your opinions regarding same are, at best, speculative. At worst they are right-wing paranoid drivel. Most neocon pundits would rather blame the messenger than face the fact that their chosen views are NOT the be-all end-all to our societal flaws. Just because you can stand and watch a surgey does not qualify you to be a surgeon, or accurately criticize the surgeon's ability.
ReplyDeleteThere are crappy journalists. But there are also some very good journalists who believe in the nobility of their profession. To have an informed populace is of paramount importance to a free society. Just because they may report things you don't like to know or read, doesn't make them puppets of the side you hate. True, there are some journalists who recognize the lack of necessity of adhering to a no-slant form of reporting. These are to be found on both sides of any argument. Fox News is an excellent example of this. Fair and balanced? Horseshit.
But one never hears the right whining about these hacks for the conservative side. WTF is up with that?!
It's funny that you would fall back on the argument of "you don't know anything about the field of journalism and thus should not comment" and follow it by stating that a surgery observation doesn't qualify one to perform surgery. What would you say to a person who believes they can change the entire health care and health insurance industry (18% of our GDP mind you) when it is well known that the particular individual has never worked in the medical field and has no idea how private insurance works? Maybe take a look at the breakdown of the POTUS' speech on health care that I provided last week and let me know what you think. My opinion doesn't impact the lives of 300 million plus people. I wonder if you would show the same amount of hostility towards President Obama seeing as how he continues to "speak outside of his area of expertise" and all. 545 people making life-changing decisions for 300 million Americans...sounds like a great idea.
ReplyDeleteAs for journalism, my opinion is not hinged on Fox, CNN, MSNBC or any one news outlet. I actually watch more MSNBC than anything else because I enjoy a good laugh from time to time. Watch MSNBC tonight and if Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann doesn't have a story on Bush or Cheney...well I'm not going to give you anything...but feel free to pat your own back.
The bottom line is this, NBC is most definitely a propaganda arm for the left-wing agenda. Have you ever heard of George Soros? I read and watch everything I can so I can have the facts and don't have to rely on my feelings and impulses.
The problem, to me it seems, is that you've pigeon-holed yourself into the leftist corner and that's where you will remain. To you, anyone who isn't a left-wing progressive is a neo-con. I am not a Republican...but I am certainly not a Democrat. I believe in the principles laid out in the United States Constitution, something you may want to read through if you get the chance. I have issues with both parties whenever they choose to actively and intentionally disregard the Constitution as they continually attempt to play more and more of a role in our everyday lives. The reason I dislike the liberals so much is because they don't give a damn about the Constitution because their inflated egos won't allow them to see past their own personal opinions and beliefs. They are the party of Big Brother - more control over your life because you're too stupid to do it on your own (ie Welfare, Affirmative Action, Universal Healthcare, Cap and Trade, ETC. ETC. ETC.) Maybe I'm worng, but more than likely I'm not. Are you a fully functioning human being? Do you feel that the government should play a role in your everyday actions? Do you think that you or I should have to pay for programs that create a class of government dependents (ie the proletariat)? If so, why?
And as for my views being the end-all be-all of societal ills, I never said that, you did. I don't think I have all the answers...but I'm 100% certain that the idiots on Capitol Hill don't. Throwing money at problems never solves them...it only prolongs them.
We're off to an interesting start, but for credibility's sake, let's stay to the point under discussion, which is the anger/ire of the 'right' re: their perception of a lack of objectivity displayed by the mainstream media showing the Obama administration in an inaccurately favorable light. If you're going to assign direct quotation marks to a sentence or statement, please be sure it's what was written or said.
ReplyDeleteI did not say you don't know anything about journalism, and you shouldn't comment. I do believe you may know as much as any other audience member. As for whether or not you should comment on anything is certainly up to your judgement. And as someone who respects your opinion, and appreciates your passion, I welcome the opportunity to debate various topics with you. You cant expect to shout your opinion across a crowded room (the internet) and not get any sort of response, right? I will keep in mind, of course, as it's your blogsite, you are the master-debater, and I'm only a baiter.
In order t stay linear, let's save healthcare for a future encounter.
There are so many items to respond to, and so precious little time. Believing strongly in accuracy with brevity, and hoping it fosters credibility, I'm responding to your charges and assumptions as to my political beliefs in chron. order.
As for your first paragraph response: There was no 'hostility' intended, although your flair for the dramatic is noted.
Second graph: I understand how you feel, as I watch Fox News for the same kind of laughs. To laugh myself into pants-wetting hysterics I watch Bill O'Reilly or listen to Rush Limpbow. I try not to ever 'pat myself on the back' because it'd be like a reach-around, and I don't do those.
Third graph: 'Bottom line is...' your NBC statement is interesting. Please explain on what premise you base this opinion you've stated as fact. I need enlightenment on this one.
Fourth graph: This set of rantings tells me you're angry. Let's get a couple of things cleared up. I will 'remain' only where informed analytical thought leads me. I'm sorry you have such disdain for viewpoints differing from your own. Generalizing about any group is wrong-minded. Not all conservatives are stingy, self-centered, self-serving, narrow-minded autocrats. Not all people left-of-center are disdainful of our constitution. Also, not all blacks love watermelon, and not all Hungarians are like Gyorgy Schwartz (aka your very own George Soros).
I am not a Democrat, just as you are not a Republican. If anything, I'm a Libertarian. But I do knnow we were bamboozled by the Republicans for 8 years, and the majority of American voters have obviously had enough.
Remember, he who rants into a personal attack, loses the original argument and point.
God Bless America, and our nearly perfect system of government!
I love this. Thank God for alternative view points. This is all I wanted from the outset. I want people to get on here and hash it out...discourse is good for individual thought. Remember, I may not agree with what you say...but I will defend to my death your right to say it (Voltaire - the OG liberal). I, like yourself, consider myself to be a libertarian, but I'm too much of a hawk to be a classical libertarian.
ReplyDeleteI have some thoughtful things I want to say about your response but I don't have time right now. My entire issue is with the role of the federal government. Whether it be Republicans, Democrats or Independents...anyone who tries to take away my freedom...no matter how small it may seem...is an enemy to the the citizens they were meant to serve. The issue with the Democrats is that they are, more often than the conservatives, in favor of these controlling functions. I am horrified by the thought of Big Brother and I already feel like we're slipping into a mild form of oppression.
That may seem like paranoia...but things are not right with the federal government...it has morphed from a protector role to a paternal role...that has to concern you a bit, particularly if you are truly a libertarian.
Allow me a bit more time so I can properly respond to your follow up. The Blind Eye needs Penn Station ASAP. Thank you for having the courage to speak up and I hope you will continue to do so. Anonymity is vital for various reasons. I'll be back shortly.
We'll be enthusiastically anticipating your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteDan Rather = no credibility since he took sides and made up the story regarding Bush's service to the country. He became the one to watch, instead of the watcher. In turn, clearly in the hip pocket of those currently in power (based upon his attempt to influence the outcome of the Bush election and elect a democrat), he now wants the government to get involved in saving the national media? Does this mean another government take over of an industry? …One they are supposed to be completely removed from so that there is somebody out there keeping an eye out for the abuses of government, at any level. Is it paranoia or rightful suspicion of government in bed with the watchers (media), especially lefties like Rather. Finally, is not the unopposed infomercial that Obama put on (I think on a msm network, ABC) evidence enough that the msm has prostituted itself out to the left (not to mention the polls that show most msm "journalist" lopsided voting tendencies to almost always vote left)? How many times has Obama appeared on the cover of Time or Newsweek in the past year? How ‘bout just the facts from the msm, and let me sort it out? Personally, I am done with the msm because it slants left against America, our military and anyone with a conservative view point. They are delighted to report on the wrong-headed hate speech of the right, then put out countless stories personally attacking any front running conservative (Sarah Palin, Newt, Rush "Limpbow," etc.,). Then, when the light is shown back on them, they and their fan base of lock-step supporters always fall back to the Fixed News and the paranoid neo-cons comments.
ReplyDeleteThe msm isn't selling, because people aren't buying it anymore. That is capitalism. Only the lefties want the msm to stick around. Why? I'd say it is because without it, they lose their propaganda machine, and the proletariat (they just don't know what is good for them, only we do) may wander elsewhere...maybe even over to Fixed News - Obama forbid
So, WWOD, you do know Rather didn't make that stuff up about Bush's service record, right? Rather just wouldn't give up his sources on that one, so CBS dumped him like a hot tater. But Dan Rather is neither the problem nor the issue. You can have him.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that it would appear most conservatives feel it's 'their way, or the highway'...period. I suggest to you this is not the American way. Perhaps even could be considered traitorous to the ideals held dear by the Constitution. We've always held the standard for inclusiveness where our form of government is concerned. This would include at least considering ideas different from your own.
As I understand it, and as the blogwriter has penned himself, most right-wingers feel 'believe as I believe or you are WRONG.' Following this school of thought, could it be the right-wing claims the msm lies or slants because the msm doesn't report things the way the right-wing thinks they should? That's messed up.
Just because someone doesn't agree with your POV doesn't make them a puppet of the opposing viewpoint. The reporting labeled as 'slanted' may simply be a case of the reporter accurately assigning the stink to the turd it truly belongs to.
Just because a turd is reported to stink does not make the reporter slanted towards fresh air. It may be simply the truth. Sometimes fresh air is better than someone forcing a turd on you.
Argue with that.
I can't argue with logic like that. A turd does stink and most of us do lean towards fresh air when we can. Unless or course, it is your own turd.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I don't know how you can say that it is the "right wingers" who always assume they are correct, or it is their way or the highway. It seems to me that anyone with an opinion (right or left) believes they are correct; otherwise they wouldn't have an opinion. I know you don't believe that the left is anymore open minded, do you?
After all, the current administration is so willing to reach out and work with the other side on every issue these days. Harry and Nancy are so open to those nut jobs in the GOP. No "my way or the highway" on their side. No forcing their turds on us. No way.
One last thought/response on this subject, to your second paragraph, yes, anyone with a well-defined opinion thinks they're right. But it's been my observation over the last couple of years the right has more people who believe if you don't agree with them, you are simply an idiot.
ReplyDeleteNot good. Or reasonable. Just pigheaded and occasionally assholish. Now, mind you, I'm not assesing every conservative to be so. Just the ones who think there's absolutely no chance they could be mistaken, even slightly.
Being an old rebel (philosophically, not geographically) I believe in questioning authority and status quo at every turn. And though I am opinionated, I hope I'm open to better ideas than mine own. To be unable to recognize a better idea is a weakness.
Your sarcasm in the third paragraph noted. But find another couple of public-embarrassments to trot out as examples instead of Pelosi and Reid, they're too easy. They are the festering boil on the neck of intelligence they are purported to be. And common sense tells us they are the best reason to cull the rejects from the herd.
Round and round we go… I guess more of the right is, because you say it is. No pigheadedness on your part.
ReplyDeleteLet’s just stick with the current leader of the left, and forget about those two. Obama wants his followers to turn-in anyone expressing dissent about his healthcare plan? Or, back to the msm, where they eagerly reported about the “tea baggers” and their crazy, out-of-control tea parties. Both the POTUS and the press are open to all sides, correct? (or should I say, right?)
Again, the turd always stinks, unless it is your own.
Your comprehensive reading skills are coming into question. Perhaps if you re-read paragraphs 2 & 3 of my previous entry, and shelve (or shove) your sarcasm, you'll see I made it clear I don't think I'm always right. Nor are you. But you've certainly never admitted this to anyone, especially 'the enemy', correct? Like I wrote earlier, that is a weakness.