Friday, July 17, 2009

The ship is sinking.

Pat Buchanan wrote an editorial piece explaining how Obama's socialism is going to crush America as we know it. It more or less sums up everything I've been saying over the last few weeks about wealth redistribution and the over-reaching role the federal government has decided it will have over our personal lives. I'm not a huge Pat Buchanan fan, because he allows himself to be pushed around on MSNBC by a pack of lemmings, but the article is interesting none-the-less. -

"While the hardest-working and most productive are bled, a third of all wage-earners pay no U.S. income tax, and Obama plans to free almost half of all wage-earners of all income taxes. Yet, tens of millions get Medicaid, rent supplements, free education, food stamps, welfare and an annual check from Uncle Sam called an Earned Income Tax Credit, though they never paid a nickel in income taxes." - Pat Buchanan - World Net Daily

Again, this is all part of the bigger picture. Think about this. The POTUS said earlier this week that "unemployment will necessarily increase in the coming months". When people lose their jobs, they also lose their healthcare. The Obama Administration knows this and so the talking points estimate of 40 million uninsured Americans has now grown to 45 million uninsured Americans. This is not because our country grew by 5 million people, it's because the Stimulus Bill was 1200 pages of shit and instead of creating jobs, we continue to lose jobs at an unsustainable rate. So what do the liberals want to do? They want to pass a Cap and Tax Bill, overhaul the healthcare industry, and even draw up a second Stimulus Bill by the end of the year. Genius. Is it inconceivable that this administration would deliberately allow, or even create, additional job loss in order to push for Universal Healthcare and more government control? Not to me. In reality, the more people lose their jobs, the easier it will become for the left-wing progressives to seize more control and pass legislation that will put more and more people on the "government payroll". It's another example of the socialistic efforts to grow the Proletariat. The fear mongering allows for the State to disregard old rules and laws and institute new forms of control under the guise of "helping the less fortunate". It's like cutting off someone's leg so you can give them a crutch. A few months ago, Jonah Goldberg (author of Liberal Fascism) wrote a great piece on the fear mongering and scare tactics being employed by the Obama Administration. -,0,6414638.column

"Rule 1: Never allow a crisis to go to waste," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the New York Times right after the election. "They are opportunities to do big things." Over the weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told members of the European Parliament, "Never waste a good crisis." Then President Obama explained in his Saturday radio and Internet address that, "there is great opportunity in the midst of the great crisis befalling America." - Jonah Goldberg - Los Angeles Times

It's always comforting to hear that your President, his Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of State all look at the economic crisis as an opportunity to push their left-wing agenda. What wonderful representation we have. Forget about taxing successful business owners...we should just seize their assets and throw them into concentration camps for their greedy ways. Just like Stalin!

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