Thursday, July 16, 2009

Goebbels would be so proud.

Joseph Goebbels, German politician and Third Reich Minister of Propaganda, is surely smiling up from hell today as the liberals unveil their plan to spread disinformation to the public. If somehow you were previously unaware, the Democrats are in the midst of a relentless campaign to overhaul the healthcare system. This new system of Universal Healthcare is wildly unpopular with the American public as it will cost, at the very least, another trillion dollars at the taxpayers' expense, just like every other unconscionable piece of legislation the Democrats have passed thus far. They have realized that most Americans DO NOT want the government in control of their healthcare decisions, so in California, "non-profit" organizations such as "Summer of Change" are hiring people at $11 to $16 per hour to move through the community spreading propaganda in an attempt to sway the public. Sign up here!

"At the Fund for the Public Interest, we’ve been organizing campaigns to protect the environment, stand up for the public interest, and defend human rights for more than 25 years. We've helped cut global warming pollution with Environment America. And working with the Human Rights Campaign, we helped organize the grassroots opposition needed to defeat the discriminatory Federal Marriage Amendment." -

So, if the government run healthcare plan is so wonderful, why do they need a door to door propaganda campaign to sway public influence? The truth of the matter is this; President Obama continues to throw around the figure that 40 million Americans are uninsured. That is a lie. 12 to 15 million of those people are illegal aliens, why would they be eligible for access to healthcare? Why should we pay for people to be here illegally AND provide them free healthcare? It's like a sick joke. So, let's go with the lowest figure and say that only 12 of the 40 million uninsured are illegals, that brings us to 28 million LEGAL CITIZENS who are uninsured. Estimates show that 20 million of those uninsured are between the ages of 20-30 years old and don't have health insurance because they CHOOSE not to. This has been common since the advent of health insurance. Many 20-30 year olds feel that they are invincible and, as a result, don't find health insurance to be a necessity. That's not my problem and it certainly shouldn't be the government's concern. So, 12 million illegals, and another 20 million young adults who don't have health insurance by choice, leaves approximately 8 million people legitimately uninsured. There are 310 million people in America (not including illegal aliens). If you subtract the 20 million 20-30 year olds who CHOOSE not to have healthcare, you have about 290 million Americans who are covered under some type of health care plan. This is completely beside the fact that they are going to pay for it with taxes, taxes, and more taxes. (See yesterday's post on universal health care funding.)

Why would the government deliberately destroy the healthcare of 290 million Americans to appease 8 million Americans and 12 to 15 million illegals? What happened to majority rule? It seems that we have slipped into the tyranny of the minority. At some point, people are going to realize what's being done to their only fear is that it'll be too late.

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