Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Update - Rahm Emanuel is a maniac...on the dance floor!

Well, after some serious research (typing keywords into a search engine) I have concluded that Rahm Emanuel is...well...he sucks. Raise your hand if you're surprised? Nobody? Well, I just wanted to follow the last post with some facts on the economy. It turns out that everything isn't all that great after all. Wow, who would've guessed? You would think that Obama's Chief of Staff would have these facts as well, but I guess not. It's not like he would deliberately feed the American people lies to garner support for the Obama Administration's radical agenda, right? He's a good, honest guy...I'm sure he just got confused. Here are the facts. Maybe Emanuel can check this out after the conference tonight. -

"In fact, Obama’s own estimate shows that the economy might have fared better without any stimulus spending at all. Romer and Bernstein’s projections show that without a stimulus package, unemployment would rise to just above nine percent in December 2009, staying there through most of 2010 before falling off in early 2011." - CNS News

Wait, I thought this was all George Bush's fault?

Rahm Emanuel in college. -

Now that shit is funny...I don't care who you are.

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