Kathleen Kennedy Townsend of Newsweek magazine drinks kool-aid. She drinks so much kool-aid that her body and mind are now primarily running on kool-aid. She drinks kool-aid with breakfast, she has a few glasses during lunch, a few more during dinner, and even has a jug of kool-aid in a refrigerator next to her bed, just in case she has a nightmare where W. is still the POTUS and the Dick Cheney is kicking down her door because of the oppressive Patriot Act. Of course, when I say kool-aid...I mean that this bitch is a lemming. If Barack Obama came out tomorrow and said that anyone with a first name starting in the letter K would have an annual income tax increase of 50%, Kathleen would get in her Prius and drive to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. to deliver her money directly to the "Philosopher-King" himself. Essentially, she is what Lenin referred to as a "useful idiot" and make no mistake, millions of these brain-washed zombies exist. They will follow the President and his left-wing radicalism straight off the cliff. With that being said, check out this wildly offensive article that Kathleen wrote for Newsweek, stating that Obama has more in common with Catholics than the Pope. Keep in mind, she's a zombie...not a rational human. -
Obama is your Pope now...and the Federal Government is your God. Obama will espouse the new doctrine for Catholicism and all other religions (except for Islam, that would be offensive, so he will reward them with foot baths and prayer rugs at tax-payer expense) and the State will be the God to which you answer. All rules and regulations created by the State are in the best interest of the people, considering that no individual has the mental or physical capacity to think and act for themselves. (This isn't a line out of 1984, but it could be.) Kathleen, what do you think most Catholics think about throwing an unsuccessfully aborted baby, with one arm missing, in a trash bag? While Obama didn't actually commit this atrocity...he condones it and he is the only Senator to vote for late-term abortions of this kind. Jesus loves killing babies too! And Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...unless it's a helpless baby with irresponsible parents, then you are allowed to just dump that little mistake in the dumpster out back...next time get a coat hanger!" - John 6:66
Check out this crazy audio/video of Obama arguing against the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA) -
Here's an alternative look (a realistic look) at Obama's meet and greet with Pope Benedict from the Wall Street Journal. -
Obama is your Pope now...and the Federal Government is your God. Obama will espouse the new doctrine for Catholicism and all other religions (except for Islam, that would be offensive, so he will reward them with foot baths and prayer rugs at tax-payer expense) and the State will be the God to which you answer. All rules and regulations created by the State are in the best interest of the people, considering that no individual has the mental or physical capacity to think and act for themselves. (This isn't a line out of 1984, but it could be.) Kathleen, what do you think most Catholics think about throwing an unsuccessfully aborted baby, with one arm missing, in a trash bag? While Obama didn't actually commit this atrocity...he condones it and he is the only Senator to vote for late-term abortions of this kind. Jesus loves killing babies too! And Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...unless it's a helpless baby with irresponsible parents, then you are allowed to just dump that little mistake in the dumpster out back...next time get a coat hanger!" - John 6:66
Check out this crazy audio/video of Obama arguing against the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA) -
Here's an alternative look (a realistic look) at Obama's meet and greet with Pope Benedict from the Wall Street Journal. -
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