Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The only time it will be discussed.


I swore the other day that I would not blog about the death of Michael Jackson for any reason imaginable. I shouldn't have, because I am...right now. This will be the first and last time I blog about Michael Jackson for two reasons. First, it has dominated the news' cycle for the last week when far more important things were happening. Secondly, I have grown so sick of people "updating" their social network of choice with MJ quotes and songs and tributes, etc. that I felt I must say a few things.

First of all, if your favorite Michael Jackson song is not from the album Thriller, then we have nothing to discuss. See track list:


Next, does anyone understand that the House of Representatives passed a Cap and Trade Bill, which received little to no coverage, while we we were slobbering and crying and pissing our pants because Skeletor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeletor) bit the dust from all of the drugs he was on? There are so many things wrong with that, I don't even know where to begin. What's more important to a nation, a tax based on a myth that will drive farmers and manufacturers out of business or overseas, or the death, from drug overdose, of a guy who looked like he walked out of Dawn of the Dead? Only he was the type of zombie that preferred baby penises to quench his blood lust. Seriously though, look at all of these idiot celebrities who are attending his memorial today:


How many of these self-righteous celebs would have let their children spend the night at Neverland Ranch? People keep repeating over and over how he was just misunderstood. So what? You could say the same thing about Charles Manson or Ted Bundy...that doesn't mean they weren't psychotic. Seriously, just because someone can sing and dance doesn't mean that they are exempt from moral standards or the law. Michael Jackson's funeral extravaganza has received more attention than the funerals of Ronald Reagan and Princess Diana. Does that seem strange to anyone else? However, you can't blame him for the coverage, seeing as he's dead, but it certainly says something about our culture when we have Lenin-like funeral proceedings for a guy who sang songs and danced. Albeit, the moonwalk is awesome.

Finally, even though I think Michael Jackson was a freak AND more than likely a child molester, Human Nature, PYT and Dirty Diana are three of the best songs I've ever heard and I would even argue that he could have been the single greatest entertainer of all time. My whole issue is that he had the world in the palm of his hand and look at what he had when he died...nothing. He, through his own actions, ruined his entire life. His father Joe is a real piece of shit too, so I always make note that he was probably such a lunatic because pops used to beat the shit out of him for hitting the wrong note, not to mention that he exploited his entire family for wealth and fame. Guess what, the majority of time you beat on kids, detach them from reality and refuse to show them any form of love or compassion, they become Michael Jackson...let this be a lesson to you all.

Basically, we should celebrate what Michael Jackson did onstage for years and years to come, because it certainly is entertaining...but don't parade his corpse through the streets and cry over his casket. You didn't even know him. (Except you Corey Feldman...I heard you and Emmanuel Lewis knew him better than others.)

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