So, let's go over this again. The Obama Administration is pushing for Universal Healthcare. The POTUS has said on multiple occasions that his plan "will not eliminate private health care" yet this video was released today telling quite a different story. -
"I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer system." - BHO
Typical non-sense and lies from the POTUS. The real story here is that public support for a government-run healthcare system is in a death spiral as we the people learn more about HR 3200. All you need to do is read the first 20 pages of the bill and you will understand just how encompassing and oppressive this plan will be. -
People are starting to lash out publicly against the plan and you can be sure that the 535 members of Congress are being flooded with calls and emails from their constituents as we speak. Videos have been appearing on a daily basis and the footage is quite telling. The first video is of a town-hall style meeting with Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) and Kathleen Sebelius (Secretary of Health and Human Services). Sen. Specter actually says that healthcare reform needs to be done quickly, immediately following the constituents showing concern over the members of Congress not reading the bill. Apparently the old adage is true, at least in this case. With old age comes senility. -
Wow, they seemed thrilled about President Obama's plan...I can't imagine why this hasn't passed yet. The next video is of another town-hall style meeting with Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY). Listen to what this idiot says before and after he gets beat down. -
"The central purpose of the Constitution is to provide for the common good." - Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY)
I would be interested to know if Rep. Bishop has ever even read the Constitution. I think this type of backlash is going to become a reoccurring problem for any of these morons that decide to go against the will of the majority and let their ego-maniacal opinions run our healthcare system into the ground. Keep in mind, the liberals think that 535 people can make decisions for 300 million plus people and control an industry that makes up 18% of our gross domestic product (GDP). Did you see what happened to the "Cash for Clunkers" program? It burned through a billion dollars in three and a half days. What incredible foresight the POTUS has! Listen to this audio bit from Betsy McCaughey on Mark Levin's radio program. -
Betsy is a former Lieutenant Governor from the state of NY and presently writes op-ed pieces for the Wall Street Journal. She actually read the bill, something our Congressmen and women can't seem to handle. She had an interesting piece last week regarding the problems Obama's healthcare system would create for the elderly. -
The numbers tell you all you need to know. If there are 300 million people in America, and 50 million are uninsured, at least 250 million ARE INSURED. That figure doesn't even take illegal immigrants into account. If this does are going to have 250 million people forced into an undesired situation. That should work out quite nicely for the left in 2010 when they're up for re-election. But they already know this, that's why they didn't bring it to the floor for a vote before the August recess. It's pretty simple boys and girls...get with program (unless it's run by the government).
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