Monday, July 6, 2009

Welcome to the The Blind Eye of Providence

Today marks day 1 of me actually following through on something, rather than just talking about how great it would be if I did. I had to go back and re-post all of my prior posts and links in order to create a platform on which to build. All of the posts that have been added in the last week are from the last six months or so but most of them still have a lot of relevance and deserve some thoughtful attention and discussion. If you like the site, tell your friends...I'll be here all day.

Starting this afternoon/evening I will begin to post multiple times, on a daily basis, in the hopes that I can really get my thoughts out there and create some consistent traffic to the site. You may not agree with everything I say, or anything that I say for that matter, but that's what a blog with commentary is for. I encourage everyone to tell me why I'm wrong and I will certainly have a polite response for you when I get a chance. Any suggestions about the format are highly encouraged and intense debate is something I very much look forward to. Everyone has ideas, whether right, left, or somewhere in between, on how the country should be run. Let's explore those here. Remember, sometimes speaking your mind and standing firm in your convictions is not a "politically-correct" or "socially-polite" way to express yourself, particularly in our country, where arguments are continuously countered with charges of xenophobia. Well this blog is my country and I say, to hell with political-correctness. Speak your mind...I always do.

1 comment:

  1. What's this all about...
