Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is attempting to attach the controversial "Hate Crimes Bill" to the Defense Bill. Basically, this means that any member of Congress who votes yea or nay on the Defense Bill will be voting yea or nay on the Hate Crimes Bill as well. It's a dirty little trick to pin conservatives in a corner. -
On Wednesday, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) took to the floor to blast Reid’s move, calling it an "abuse of power." - The Politico
Although I disagree with John McCain on several key issues, we are in total agreement on this one. Harry Reid knows that Republicans and Moderate Democrats are vehemently opposed to the ridiculous and subjective Hate Crimes Legislation that was brought to the House floor several months ago. Only now, he's trying to sneak it into a bill he knows will pass because there is no alternative if it doesn't. Our country must have funding for defense, so he is trying to add this on to it because it would never pass as a stand alone bill. Unfortunately, this type of deception and political posturing is commonplace on Capitol Hill and there isn't much we can do about it.
The Hate Crimes Bill is a frightening piece of legislation that will give the courts even more of an activist role in deciding cases and sentencing. It will also, and perhaps more importantly, place restraints on freedom of speech. -
"It elevates homosexuality to the same protective category as race. It's all part of the radical homosexual anarchist agenda." - Fox News
Any type of legislation suppressing an individual's right to speak freely is unconstitutional and should be treated as such. Any infringement upon our first amendment rights should be a cause for concern for all Americans. Although it may work in your favor in the short-term, eventually all forms of dissent will be silenced. History proves this time and time again...but who cares about's not like it ever repeats itself...
Take away the right to say "fuck" and you take away the right to say "fuck the government." - Lenny Bruce
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