In yet another story on the Democrat's proposed Universal Healthcare, the New York Post states that top earners in the state will pay up to 57% in income taxes to fund the overhaul of the healthcare industry. There is a name for this...I can't quite remember...oh right, redistribution of wealth and resources...also known as Socialism. But don't call it that you right-wing extremist! President Obama is just trying to help those in need because he cares so deeply for each and every individual that he's never met...wait, what? And if you've managed to work hard and accumulate wealth, well that's your problem, you shouldn't have been so greedy...now the government will have to punish your success by taking 57% of your yearly income. That sounds completely fair and reasonable. -
"Congressional plans to fund a massive health-care overhaul could have a job-killing effect on New York, creating a tax rate of nearly 60 percent for the state's top earners and possibly pressuring small-business owners to shed workers." - New York Post
I don't think "possibly pressuring" is the correct phrase the New York Post should have used. Why won't the mainstream media just report the facts, regardless of which party it helps or hurts. It's completely unjust to not tell the public about these things or to dumb down the language in order to appease the White House. The bottom line is that a 57% tax on small-business owners (keep in mind that 90% of businesses in America are considered small businesses) will crush jobs and cause unemployment to necessarily increase. Trickle down economics is not some draconian economic idea. The more money a business owner gets to keep, the more people he or she is able to employ...it's really pretty simple. So simple, in fact, that this only serves to further my theory that the Obama Administration is deliberately pushing legislation that will further the economic crisis and lead to unthinkable unemployment.
When people lose their jobs, and are forced to accept government handouts, they become part of the proletariat. If you are dependent on the government for survival, you are a slave to the State. That's what's so confounding to me about black culture in America. The Democrats continue to get nearly 85 to 90% of the black vote each election. If only they knew what the Democrats were doing to their communities and, in turn, their culture. They have essentially set up so many welfare programs that they have forced blacks (as well as other minorities) back into slavery. This slavery does not come with shackles and labor, it comes with a handout and a smile. They are deceived into believing that the Democrats want to help them with these welfare programs, when they are simply being thrown into the growing class of tax-eaters who have less and less freedom because of their dependence on the State to survive. If you rely on another person, organization, etc. to simply survive...you are a slave to that entity. You cannot make your own decisions, because the state makes them for you. However, they fail to see this bigger picture and continue to accept the lies that the government is simply there to help.
The founders made it very clear that the government should help the helpless, not the careless. Well we now know that the Democrats will continue to help the careless because it keeps them in power, regardless of the toll it has taken on the underprivileged, particularly in black communities.
"A government who takes from Peter and gives to Paul will always have the support of Paul." - George Bernard Shaw
"Congressional plans to fund a massive health-care overhaul could have a job-killing effect on New York, creating a tax rate of nearly 60 percent for the state's top earners and possibly pressuring small-business owners to shed workers." - New York Post
I don't think "possibly pressuring" is the correct phrase the New York Post should have used. Why won't the mainstream media just report the facts, regardless of which party it helps or hurts. It's completely unjust to not tell the public about these things or to dumb down the language in order to appease the White House. The bottom line is that a 57% tax on small-business owners (keep in mind that 90% of businesses in America are considered small businesses) will crush jobs and cause unemployment to necessarily increase. Trickle down economics is not some draconian economic idea. The more money a business owner gets to keep, the more people he or she is able to employ...it's really pretty simple. So simple, in fact, that this only serves to further my theory that the Obama Administration is deliberately pushing legislation that will further the economic crisis and lead to unthinkable unemployment.
When people lose their jobs, and are forced to accept government handouts, they become part of the proletariat. If you are dependent on the government for survival, you are a slave to the State. That's what's so confounding to me about black culture in America. The Democrats continue to get nearly 85 to 90% of the black vote each election. If only they knew what the Democrats were doing to their communities and, in turn, their culture. They have essentially set up so many welfare programs that they have forced blacks (as well as other minorities) back into slavery. This slavery does not come with shackles and labor, it comes with a handout and a smile. They are deceived into believing that the Democrats want to help them with these welfare programs, when they are simply being thrown into the growing class of tax-eaters who have less and less freedom because of their dependence on the State to survive. If you rely on another person, organization, etc. to simply survive...you are a slave to that entity. You cannot make your own decisions, because the state makes them for you. However, they fail to see this bigger picture and continue to accept the lies that the government is simply there to help.
The founders made it very clear that the government should help the helpless, not the careless. Well we now know that the Democrats will continue to help the careless because it keeps them in power, regardless of the toll it has taken on the underprivileged, particularly in black communities.
"A government who takes from Peter and gives to Paul will always have the support of Paul." - George Bernard Shaw
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