Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Brave New World.

So for whatever reason I found myself watching the Real World tonight...I know, I know...and I was able to bear witness to one of the great philosophical minds of our time...the name of his human avatar is Joey. Joey (pictured above crying like a bitch, getting a reassuring hand from the guy wearing his little brother's shrunken has the mind-set of a fifteen year old boy and wouldn't last one day in a real job...but that's least he has super awesome tattoos and a wicked lip ring. Far out!

"It's like...I want to break all the rules...but I don't want to go home. It's a catch-22." - Joey - Real World Cancun

Yes is a catch-22. -

"Catch-22 is a term coined by Joseph Heller in his novel Catch-22, describing a set of rules, regulations or procedures, or situation which presents the illusion of choice while preventing any real choice. In probability theory, it refers to a situation in which multiple probabilistic events exist, and the desirable outcome results from the confluence of these events, but there is zero probability of this happening as they are mutually exclusive." - Wikipedia

Only the Catch-22 didn't involve involved me. I had to choose between pressing on, thereby poisoning my brain and making myself dumber than I already am, or running into oncoming traffic. However, right before I hurled myself off the curb, the proverbial light bulb went off...I beat the system and just killed Joey. Problem solved.

There is a point to all of this. MTV makes people retarded. Every show they produce glorifies sex, drugs and/or alcohol and its audience is primarily comprised of teens. That seems like a good idea. Take an audience of impressionable, insecure young adults and feed them soft-core porn. I know...soft-core porn blows and I would rather watch Sex in the City nevermind...I'd rather drink a bottle of Liquid Plumber...but that's neither here nor there. What I'm trying to say is that MTV is corrupting the youth. Socrates was put to death for corrupting the youth...and Joey gets to live in Cancun with his tough life of binge drinking and spitting on girls. Who said chivalry was dead? Not in Joey Rozmus' world. -

I wasn't even going to put this video up because the quality is so damn bad...but then I started reading the comments on the youtube page and I knew it was a win-win for me. You want to see some retarded shit...check out the comments and spelling that accompany this cinematic masterpiece. Way to go public school! No Child Left Behind? One may argue that the program has not lived up to its name. Maybe all the posters are from other countries.

In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley describes elaborate scenarios where children are brainwashed throughout their adolescence through "sleep learning" and are conditioned to accept their place in life through sexual exposure and the drug SOMA, which turns all bad thoughts into happy thoughts. (If you would rather read the book, which I strongly suggest, don't ruin it by reading the synopsis here. Also, Huxley was Orwell's mentor, though they were clearly in direct opposition when it came to what a Dystopia may look like. The Dystopian system of control in 1984 is brought about through oppression and violence, whereas the system in Brave New World is accomplished through conditioning and drugs. They are basically complete opposites.) -

"Recreational heterosexual and homosexual sex is an integral part of society. In this egalitarian society, everyone is treated equally. According to The World State, sex is a social activity rather than a means of reproduction and is encouraged from early childhood; the few women who can reproduce are conditioned to take birth control. The maxim "everyone belongs to everyone else" is repeated often, and the idea of a "family" is considered pornographic. As a result, sexual competition and emotional, romantic relationships are obsolete because they are no longer needed. Marriage, natural birth, the notion of being a parent, and pregnancy are considered too obscene to be mentioned in casual conversation. Thus, society has advanced to a new level of reproductive comprehension." - Wikipedia

Huxley wrote this compelling novel in 1931. One could certainly argue that he was somewhat prophetic in his vision of the future...particularly after reading the book in its entirety.

Welcome to the Brave New [Real] World. -


  1. I personally think that MTV stands for Moron TV. Take a look at some of Lenin's old writings on how to take over the United States. Television barely existed back then but he had an idea it would play a key role in eroding the family structure and teaching people not to think for themselves. Also it looks as if an Orwell/Huxley combo dystopia is brewing. After all who isn't all doped up on drugs all day?
