A US soldier challenged his orders for deployment to Afghanistan on the grounds that Barack Obama is not a US citizen and is, therefore, not authorized to make any decisions as the Commander in Chief. Keith Olberman, MSNBC puppet and the biggest douche bag...in the wooorld, had this to say. -
[Olberman] labeled both [the soldier and his attorney] as the "worst persons in the world." He flayed the soldier as "an embarrassment to all those who have served without cowardice." - World Net Daily
Olberman also called Cook (the soldier) a "jackass" and Taitz (his attorney) a "con-woman", but that's beside the point. We all know that Olberman is a tool and nobody, besides brain dead lemmings or people looking for something to laugh at, watches MSNBC anyway. Fox repeats get better numbers than MSNBC primetime shows. Basically, MSNBC sucks ass.
Oddly enough, the order for deployment was revoked last night, only a few hours after the case was filed, with no additional explanation. -
"That and the fact the individual who is occupying the White House has not been entirely truthful with anybody," [Cook] said. "Every time anyone has made an inquiry, it has been either cast aside, it has been maligned, it has been laughed at or just dismissed summarily without further investigation." - World Net Daily
In the last few months I had grown weary of the argument that the POTUS was not a natural-born citizen. It seemed like Republicans were just being sore losers and after the Supreme Court threw out the case out, without even acknowledging the evidence presented, it lost all validity as an argument against the Obama Administration. However, this will more than likely bring this issue back to the forefront. How could it not? Clearly, something is amiss and it seems that instead of going through all the trouble of concealing records and documents, Obama would simply produce the documents and put the case to rest. Logic tells me that there is a very good reason for keeping the records sealed. Is it not our right, as a nation, to know if we have a usurper as our Commander in Chief? Why was there no explanation provided with the revocation? Does this administration think it can simply silence people by making small adjustments here or there? People are waking up and it won't be long before our elected officials are held responsible for their actions...whatever that may entail.
Scary stuff here. You know what they say. Where there is smoke, there is....GLOBAL WARMING! Haven't we had about enough of the, "Hey, look over there" politics?