The news continues to bore me to death. Today's top headline on the Drudge Report was all about how Hillary Clinton has continued to raise money for whatever political adventure she decides to pursue next.
Oh gee whiz...I can barely contain myself I'm so giddy with anticipation. WHO GIVES A SHIT? There are literally thousands of legitimate stories that should be front-page news...but they rarely ever make it. I wonder why? They shouldn't even be allowed to call this stuff news...it's either boring or subjective and people wonder why newspaper sales are plummeting.
Moving on. My roommate had quite the encounter with his doctor yesterday and I figured it was probably the result of an emerging trend. I'll try to sum this up the best that I can. Frankly, I'm sick of talking about Universal Healthcare. However, since the rats on Capitol Hill don't give a shit about the will of the American people, I guess we have to keep beating the drum of opposition until it's put to rest for good. So, my roommate has had back problems for quite a while now and he's been back and forth from his doctor to get out-patient treatment and prescriptions. Well, he had been trying to reach his doctor since the middle of last week and was getting no response, which was unusual considering he's never even had to leave a message before. Yesterday, he got sick of waiting and called the emergency line. The receptionist who answered informed him that several of the doctors were hanging it up and 50 people, herself included, were going to be let go as a result. When my roommate inquired as to why they were getting out, she simply said, "It's madness...ever since the government has started discussing the implementation of Universal Healthcare...well, it's just been madness." She didn't really offer much more than that. He was then told that he would have to wait until at least August the 17th to get in to see a doctor because people are flooding the office to get early refills on their prescriptions. The only logical reason for this is that people are fearful of a government-run system and the potential rationing of pharmaceuticals and treatment. He used to be in and out the same day with one phone call. Basically, what this tells me is that even the notion that Universal Healthcare MAY come to fruition is enough to send the health care industry into a frenzy and the rationing has already begun.
Imagine what will happen if it actually passes. Dick Morris wrote an exceptional piece on the rationing of healthcare (specifically Medicare), basically reiterating what I've been trying to explain for the last month. -
"Today, 800,000 doctors struggle to treat adequately the 250 million Americans who have insurance. Obama will add 50 million more to their caseload with no expansion in the number of doctors or nurses. Indeed, his plan will likely reduce their number by lowering reimbursement rates and imposing bureaucrats above them who will force medical decisions down their throats. Fewer doctors will have to treat more patients. The inevitable result will be rationing." - Dick Morris
Universal Healthcare has the same trappings and pitfalls that any other government-run program has. When there is no competition, there is no efficiency or effectiveness...period. I just can't understand what people don't get about that.
"At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political idols." - Aldous Huxley
Stupid people are everywhere. -
And they have liberal friends. -
And inbred relatives. -
that about sums it up...