Monday, July 6, 2009

Cap and Trade makes Bernie Madoff look like a kid who stole a candy bar.

This is the most ridiculous piece of legislation I've ever seen. It is set to hit the House floor at noon. If you live in the Midwest...good luck! This bill will crush the manufacturing and agriculture industries and unemployment will sky-rocket. If you didn't know, more unemployment means more welfare and unemployment beneficiaries (higher taxes), as well as higher prices on EVERYTHING! All taxpayers should be outraged.

The founder of the weather channel said, flat out, that Climate Change/Global Warming/etc. is the biggest hoax since Scientology. Our local weathermen can't even accurately predict the weather day to day. Plus, if anyone read anything they would know that the last two winters were, on average, colder than any since the 1800s...pre-Industrial Revolution. I wonder when they will tax the ocean for all the CO2 it emits...idiots and elitists. But let's keep listening to Al Gore -- he did invent the Internet ya know? This makes me so angry I feel like my head is going to explode...probably too much CO2 in the air.

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