Let me start off by saying this, I don't hate many people. There really aren't even that many people I dislike. Hate is a strong word and I feel like people throw it around when "strongly dislike" would be much more appropriate. Let's save "hate" for people who deserve it. With that being said, there are three people that I actually hate...Keith Olbermann, Barbara Streisand and Joy Behar. Joy Behar is an arrogant, disrespectful waste of life and, collaboratively with those other screeching lunatics on the View, she makes my ability to see and hear somehow less desirable. Her voice makes me want to drive rail-road spikes through my ear drums. Hey, at least she's sexy...
Let's just put it this way...if I were stranded on an island with Joy (her parents must have been comedians) she would be dead within the first five minutes. I would say, "Joy, since we're in this together, just try not to speak to me or make any sounds or look me directly in the eyes...OK?" She would probably cackle and caw and cackle some more...and her head might spin around a couple of times while green vomit shot out of her mouth...and then I would smash her head with a tree branch and tame a wild stallion to ride around while I collected berries and coconuts and wild Amazon women.
This is a video of Michelle Malkin going into Medusa's cave and beheading the horrible banshees like Perseus. She is discussing the rampant corruption of the Obama Administration. Just watch how irritated the liberals get when they are presented with facts. -
What about Bush? What would you do different? Great questions morons. "We do feelings, not facts Michelle! We all share the same menstrual cycle and our vaginas have liberal ESP...you're not one of us you neo-con!" They basically admitted to not even reading the book...but still felt it was acceptable to continually interrupt Michelle and talk over her simply because she doesn't support their dear leader. What caring and compassionate liberals they are! Yes we can! I guess if you can't win an argument...JUST TALK LIKE THIS AND HOPE THAT THE OTHER PERSON WILL GO AWAY. Well, Michelle didn't go away and she certainly didn't allow them to shut her up...she just kept throwing facts out there until the "useful idiots" decided they were outmatched. I wonder how long it will be before they have another conservative on the View. Probably not anytime soon after Michelle beat them down like Brock Lesnar. Plus, it's much more fun to pick on Elisabeth Hasselbeck anyway...right? And why the hell is Whoopi wearing the Blue Bonnet Butter girl's outfit?
On the other hand, I love Laura Ingraham. Listen to her bash on Joy Behar. Awesome. -
Suck an egg Joy, you succubus bitch.
Couldn't have said it better myself...shows like this and oprah are the equivalent of MTV for middle aged pathetic women