Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This sounds great.

I'm not trying to be an alarmist or freak anybody out...but this could be the beginning of the end...scary stuff, considering we owe them the farm.


Big Brother has his eyes open.

The Ministry of Truth? Sounds pretty similar to me...simply a broad tool to distribute massive propaganda. Come one, come all to 1984.


Louis CK is awesome.

Louis CK is awesome...it really makes me wish that more people in Hollywood thought like this, because he's absolutely right.


Boehner from Ohio

I would have thrown the bill in a trashcan, like the bums-burning-trash metal can, and light that bitch on fire...but...I'm willing to bet that's one of the million reasons I'm not a politician.


4:35 in is where it gets good.

Wow...who's in charge here?


This is OUTRAGEOUS! A prominent Senator from New York said that they won't even have enough time to read the bill before voting! If any of these idiots votes for a NEAR-TRILLION DOLLAR bill without actually reading it, they should be brought up on extortion charges. Call your congressmen and senators today before we're all hanging out in soup lines!!!

The ultra-lib plan is crap.


So this is the Republican proposal...tell me which one sounds better to you.

Chuck rides the short bus.


Good call Chuck...you're right...nobody cares about government mandated extortion for pet projects. Oh wait, I'm sorry, YOU and YOUR PALS don't care about earmarks because none of you pay your taxes in the first place!!! From now on, you are to be known as "OOTC" - Out of Touch Chuck.

Peace in the Middle East


I usually would make a sarcastic comment here, but this is too sickening to joke about. If any of you still think these people (YES - THESE PEOPLE) can be talked down or reasoned with, watch this a few times over. Diplomacy is not an option...all these people understand is death and we should give it to them.

Nancy is a sly fox.


And finally...Nancy continues her uphill battle against that evil thing we call honesty...check out this gem!

We lost 500 million jobs this month...that's terrible!


Really, no comment is necessary...this woman couldn't run a PTA meeting and she's the speaker of the house (not to mention third in the line of succession). Yes We Can...learn to count!

Hollywood is only for the really smart people.


This makes total sense...give tax money to the Hollywood nut jobs...that way we can look forward to more timeless classics like Stoploss, Lions and Lambs, and Rendetion!!!

This look's great!


Si Se Puede!!!

Well this is just a real shocker.


Can we knowingly put American lives at risk to please the fringe lunatics? YES WE CAN!!!